dimanche 30 novembre 2014

macroalgae in my DT, inside netting?

Hi All--

I have a 100g cube DT w/~150 lbs LR and LS, have a 40g sump w/protein skimmer, and a chiller; SG is 1.023. Have pair of ocellaris clowns, 1 melanurus wrasse, and just got a ruby red dragonet.

I want to provide enough copepods for the dragonet (though the LFS I bought it from said it has already been eating frozen cyclops). I had seen mention somewhere of how one could put some type of macroalgae in a nylon or plastic mesh/net bag and float it in the DT so that the copepods would have a very definite place to hang out and reproduce without being completely eaten out of existence in the DT. Plus the macroalgae would also help out in reducing nitrates and phosphates. I don't have room in my sump to use that for the macroalgae. Someone at an LFS had also suggested, instead of the mesh bag, I could attach a small guppy net breeder to the side of my DT and use that for holding the macroalgae.

So my question is, are there certain types of macroalgae that would be happy growing floating in the net bag (i.e., without being in the sand or on the LR) and that wouldn't be a type that would take over my DT. I was hoping perhaps one of the more colorful/ornamental types of macroalgae would be possible?

Thanks for any help with this!!


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