vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Stocking for a 75 gallon aquarium

Hey guys, I've been on this forum a lot looking a advice and all kinds of knowledge. I was just curious about my current stocking situation.

I have a 75 gallon tank, with probably 70-80 lbs of life rock. ( plan on getting more just money is tight right now). Current stock is 3 yellow tail damsels, a baby yellow tank, a foxface, a 6 line wrasse, 2 ocellaris clown fish, a mandarain goby, and a dragon goby. I have several different mushroom and zoanthid corals in there as well as a galaxia.

Current filter setup is a shitty protein skimmer I plan on upgrading, a HOB penguin 350 with chaeto algae and more live rock in it for the copopods to cultivate in.

I have 2 (forget the brand) 950gph cirulation pumps as well.

Just wondering if anybody had any tips to keep it running smoothly. All my levels are in check as well.

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