jeudi 27 novembre 2014

How NOT to catch a damsel....

1st try: just the net

2nd try: Fish trap.

3rd try: leave net in tank (right next to fish trap) for a few days, think damsel will become used to net... Fish trap = hahahahahaha

4th try: damsel is smarter than the net. Human puts food in net thinking damsel will fall for it. damsel still wary after day 4. DAY 4!!!!!

5th try: Put pane of glass between rock and side of tank so when damsel enters the "catch" area, there is no escape.... Damsel has still not entered the 'catch' area after day 2.

My sweet sweet clowns and coral beauty shouldn't have to deal with this.

tomorrow i might give thanks by removing my entire aquascape and finally ridding my tank of damsels. Never to introduce them again.

For the record, every fish has entered the food/net/trap... except the M F Damsel. dear lord. why...

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