vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Black FRIDAY Morning!

Good Morning, Everyone! :)

Black Friday is a phenomenon where shoppers go crazy and the wise stay away. I choose to be 'wise' and not go anywhere near a shopping mall or big box store. It's safer that way. ;) For any of you who go into the fray, happy shopping!

Cold morning but 43f and sunshine for the afternoon.

Just coffee and maybe a biscuit for breakfast as I'm still full from yesterday. :D

I had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner with 2/3rds of my children present at the family gathering. Daughter Mary Elizabeth was unable to come in from Nashville as she only had Thanksgiving day off from work. :(

Bucky is fleeing the scene and on his way to a sports bar as Mrs. Doe just took his credit card and headed to the mall.

Have a Fabulous Friday!


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