samedi 29 novembre 2014

2 Week Cycle???

Hey all,

I started up a 60g tank 14 days ago. I added some live rock from another tank as well as some dry rock. I also used 10lbs of live sand along with some dry sand. I'm doing a fishless cycle. Well, I added a piece of a dead fish to kick start the process.

I didn't test any of the levels except for ph and salinity/SG for the first week. Two days ago I tested a few parameters...

nitrite 0, nitrate, 0, ammonia less than 25ppm

ph 7.9, Ca 380ppm, Mg 1000ppm, SG 1.024, dkh 11.8

At about 1 week from the first day I noticed tiny aiptasia sprouting. At about day 11 I had quite a few of these and the bigger ones were nearly 3/8" tall. One has even started growing in the sand. Today, there are at least 30 of these growing. I also noticed tiny, bright green bulbs sprouting on the freshest piece of rock.

Among the living, There are quite a few dead worm looking things attached to one of the rocks. They don't seem to be decomposing.

Just yesterday, day 13, a brownish gold algae blew up my tank. One of my rocks with purple coralline is about half covered with this light brownish algae. The algae is also growing on parts of the sand.

**Today my tests for ammonia are not zero, but less than 25ppm, nitrates are 0, and my nitrates are 20ppm. I am using RO/DI water only. No livestock.

The last 48 hours I ran with no filter nor skimmer because ammonia was not showing up. I thought the filtering system might be preventing the tank from cycling.

My question is: Could my tank have already cycled? Could I have missed the ammonia to nitrite cycle completely?


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