vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Whats your earliest aquarium memory?

Mine is from 1972.

After killing some gold fish I had won at the fair tossing a ping pong ball my mom bought me a five gallon tank for my birthday.

That was in the days from before chlorimines so the pet store guy told us to fill it with tap water and wait a few days until the chlorine gassed off and toss in some guppy's which is what we did.

Evidently guppy's are pretty resilient when it come to ammonia and they all lived and within a few months there were twice as many guppy's. Then came a sword tail which promptly jumped out of the tank and then some platys and yada yada yada.

I also remember the heater on this tank was spectacular at causing AM radio static. Just when Kasey Kassem was about to play the latest Osmand brothers song the heater would try to kick in and I would get terrible static. Man that made me mad.

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