jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Aaah! My nem!!

Hey TRT, I woke up this morning to see my new 60 gallon tank cloudy and objects floating in it. (AAAH!) MY NEM!!! It was attached to the power head and

Was ripped up in shreds, I have no idea why this happened but I got strait to work, siphoning out all the anemone parts and then I did a 15 gallon water change and tested my parems and they were all perfect (but my phosphate was a little high, I'm getting a reactor soon) so I replaced my nem for the clownfish.

So what I'm wondering WHY this happened. WHAT I can do to prevent this happening again. And WHEN I can add more corals.

By the way my parems are perfect now I did another 20 gallon water change too.

Calcium 440. PH. 8.3 phosphate 0.08 ammonia 0 nitrite.

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