dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Sleeping wrasse

Does anybody know if a wrasse can sleep 2 days in a row in the sand, i mean my melanus wrasse is new, previously owned, 4" long, thick and in my display refugium with my frogfish whos about the same size.

Ya i know what is she doing there. Well long story short she's there to get rid of the flat worm infestation while i gave 5 huge silverside to my frogfish who is not the size of a blimp. He was that big when the wrasse was there and swimming. I know they sleep in the sand but 2 days.

I have a hard time to beleive that Grouper , my frogfish could even swallow her after 5 silverside the size of sardines. He would of blown up! And i've check all around the floor, no trace outside the box. So its was suggested to me she was sleeping after a huge flatworm meal ....What do you think??

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