dimanche 2 novembre 2014

pj cardinal died

I'll try to keep this short ...

About 4 weeks ago I got 2 ocellaris clownfish to start my tank. 3-4 days after having been in the main tank, one died for no reason I could find other than maybe he was bullied to death by the other clownfish. The next day I got another clownfish and they have been doing very well.

4 days ago I got 2 pajama cardinalfish, and put them in a quarantine tank. They seemed ok, until I found one dead when I checked on them this morning. Neither one ate very much, but I just thought they're scared and shy. They would swim toward the food (frozen myosis) and nibble at a few pieces but that was about it. One fish pretty much stayed in the corner of the tank all of the time, while the other came out but would go to the corner if I walked in the room. I checked water parameters last night and they were fine.

Tell me if you think otherwise, but I think it was sick to begin with? Maybe the clownfish was also sick? I only have a Petco in my area (where I bought the second clownfish), and I try to stay away from there because their fish don't usually look very good. The place I got all of the other fish from is almost 2 hrs away. I checked the lfs water when I got home and it was ok. I brought a sample of my water for them to check and it was ok. Should I put more work into my quarantine tank? Should I start ordering fish online instead? I would almost rather it be my fault so I can make changes rather than buy online. Any advise will help.

Main tank - 55gal, live rock, protein skimmer, nexx filter, powerheads, heater.

pH 8.2, amm 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, sg 1.024, 76 degrees

quarantine - 10gal, few pieces live rock, filter, heater

ph 8.2, amm0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, sg 1.023, 77 degrees

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