vendredi 7 novembre 2014

Nitrate issue, established tank. grrrrr

Hey everyone,

I tried searching hard through the forum to find a thread that could help me out.. but I was unsuccessful.

Let me get right to the point.... my 120 gallon mixed reef tank is about 2 1/2 years old... 1 inch sand bed. about 70 pounds of live rock. Up until now... my tank always read 0 ppm accross the board... now I am getting readings of about 5-20 ppm nitrate the last day before my water changes... I have had the same stock of fish (only 9 fish) for the past 2 years)... and nothing really has changed other then a recent move of rocks to free up some space in the water column for more swimming room for the fish. I would like to think my husbandry is great... I do biweekly water changes of about 40% of my total water volume... this has kept all my coral happy through the years. I went way big with my skimmer (asm g4 with kevlar propeller mod). I also vac my sandbed at least 2 times a month...


I think it all started when I moved some rocks around after getting my new jebao wp40 pump... I had readings of over 80ppm... through that week, I did some big water changes and eventually got that reading down to 0 ppm nitrate... now about 2 weeks later.. I am back up to about 10 ppm nitrate (used 3 different test kits). I am not worried at all about 10 ppm nitrate as that is actually making my mixed garden look healthier!!!... but what I am worried about is the root of my nitrates... they will only climb higher and higher.....

With having such a big skimmer.. and doing a big 40% water change... and only having 9 fish in a 120g tank with 40 gallon sump.. I just dont see the nitrates being able to get that high... I do not overfeed either.

Let me talk about my sump a bit... my overflow goes down to the first chamber which is filled with crushed small pieces of live rock... then a bubble trap.. then my protein skimmer chamber.. then my refugium chamber filled with cheato.. then to my return pump.... I do not use a filter bag... or anything of that matter.. I gravel vac the sump bare bottems every week.

Can someone lean me in the right direction? Like I said.. these nitrates are just out of nowhere.. and now I cant control them at zero like I had done for 2 years prior... does anything with my system and husbandry seem off? if my nitrates continue to climb.... what should i do?

To take a closer look at my system.. you can skim through my youtube video to see my sump and tank....

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