vendredi 7 novembre 2014

Help with A newly purchased LTA

We purchased a Long Tenticle Anenome 2 days ago and now that I have read about them, we broke many rules of thumb. I want to give this guy every opportunity to survive, thus the reason for this post.

We have a 75 gallon reef tank with T5 lighting (2.88 watts per gallon). We have a crushed coral substrate (not sand as recommended). The tank is 6 months old. Those are the bad things.

Now for the good. We have two small clowns which are species that use a LTA. We use RO/DI water and have excellent water parameters. We have never lost anything to date so we must be doing something right.

Currently we have 2 damsels, 2 chromies, 1 firefish, 2 clowns and an algae blennie (all are small except the blennie). Inverts and corals include 7 oysters, 1 clam, 11 hermits, 1 gorilla crab (never comes out of his hole but we are watching him carefully), 2 mushroom corals, 1 polyp, 2 sea urchins, and 15 turbo snails. We feed flakes daily and mysias shrimp once a week. I feed phytoplankton twice a week. I also use reef fuel twice a week at half the recommended dose as suggested on many forums.

Now to our new LTA. When we put him in the tank he moved around for a half a day until he picked a spot to hunker down. He picked a spot that is deep within our live rock and dead coral reef structure. He does get light but I am worried about this spot because all the fish swim through it very close to the LTA's tentacles and don't seem to care he is their. His color is still good and his mouth is closed. The clowns never go inside the reef structure. He hasn't moved now in a day and a half and he has not extended his tentacles. He is around 3 to 4 inches in diameter.

That should give you the information needed. Any advice to help this guy out would be greatly appreciated. Thus far I have learned the following: leave him be for the first week and let him find his spot. Don't feed him during this period. If he stays on the move he is not happy. If he bleaches, has an open mouth or starts spewing his guts, we have a problem. Any other tips would be great. If he decides to stay where he is, is that ok (he is in a hole that is a swim through and his tentacles extended will completely fill his little liar. He would be able to sting any fish venturing through (mostly the damsels and blennie currently).

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