dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Mantis Shrimp - Dead or Alive ...... All Mantis Experts chime in please !

My objective is very simple; i want this mantis out of my LR; dead or alive!

once gone, i want to reintroduce this to my tank (i will use other thread for this but for the mean time .............. )

This is what I've done onto my suspected LR:

  • First, I squirt a freshwater onto the hole where I usually saw him; nothing happened.

  • Second, I dip it onto a bucket full of freshwater for 1 full day; nothing happened.

  • Third, I put the rock out on the dry for 1 full day yesterday; nothing happened.

  • Fourth, late night, I used my hose gun (put it to Jet mode) and shoot the hole like crazy and not only that hole, but all other holes; nothing happened.

I am thinking of using soda water and thinking of dipping it for 1 whole night.

I don't hear click anymore from my tank. I am quite confident this is the rock. The other reason is because I saw him going in and out from that particular hole in that particular rock.

How strong is a mantis shrimp?

Do you think it will survive after those fourth attempts?

Do you think I need to take necessary precaution step by dipping it in soda water overnight?

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