mardi 11 novembre 2014


Greetings from Northern California!

About 5 years ago, I was helping a buddy move out of his old house and he asked if I wanted his tank and equipment for free. It was a 35gallon bowfront with a crummy canister filter and cheap light. Its hard for me to pass on free stuff, so I grabbed it and its been sitting in my garage ever since.....until a couple months ago. I guess I was a little intimidated to get it up and running. I knew it was going to take some time, effort, and money to get it up and running the way I would want it.

I finally got some ambition to dig it out and began the evolution into becoming a reefer. So far, I've put way more money and effort into the thing than I ever wanted to, but have LOVED every minute of it. Luckily, a friend of mine is in to reef tanks, so with his advice from time to time, and lots of trial (not so much error yet), the project is coming along. After cycling with live rock and sand, I added a single damsel and then a hermit and a few snails (love my nassarius by the way) which are all kicking ass. I have a pair of zoanthus polyps and a small ricordea. I have a pair of T5s, a hob skimmer, and phosphate reactor. The water parameters have been outstanding for over a month and i feel that its time to add a couple more fish to the equation....Hope it doesn't wreck my damsel's world - I've kinda gotten attached to the little bugger.

Anyways....I credit these forums for most of my success. I've had a ton of questions, but luckily all of those questions have already been asked and answered multiple times on here. I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge that is available at my fingertips. Thanks everybody!

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