mardi 11 novembre 2014

"African" Cleaner Wrasse - where to buy?

I just recently bought a NON-African cleaner wrasse and the first week was great. Now that I'm into week two, the wrasse has lost its "pep" and not swimming around much. Big time sign its slowly dying from malnutrition. I've tried frozen mysis, larrys reef food, bloodworms, small frozen krill.... it will "pick" at the meaty stuff but doesn't seem to truly EAT the stuff.

Now, I not looking for comments on why you shouldn't buy a cleaner wrasse bc they die. I know this. But after much research, the AFRICAN cleaner wrasse is the ONLY that can live for 2yrs in a reef.

I want to order an African Cleaner Wrasse that seems to live on frozen foods for a couple years. WHERE to buy an African Cleaner Wrasse????? .... and be guaranteed it from the African region.

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