samedi 1 novembre 2014

Bare Bottom flow rates?

I am about to make my last order for my tank, the 75G BB SPS oriented tank.

I am having a huge debate in my mind on if I want to go with 2x 1600, or 2x 3200 circ pumps. Unfortunately there is nothing in the middle. I am really thinking the 3200, one on each side. These are twin head units and the 1600 would only be about 800gph out of each head. I have an 800gph right now and it really does not seem like much at all. Would the 3200's be too much flow? I am also going to have about 800 GPH flow from my return pump and will be using my WP-25 in wave mode for randomizing the flow... and of course getting the magnetic mounts for these things, no matter which one I go with :)

Here is a link to the pumps

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