vendredi 19 février 2016

HELP! Blue Dot Sea Hare laid eggs!

My wife recently discovered a string of "something" over the past couple days. After verifying it wasn't tube worms or really any other common critter, I found out that apparently Sea Hares lay eggs and mine has laid a considerable amount. So, naturally I have a couple questions.

1) What do I need to do to keep them alive? What kind of food, do they need to be in a clear box for protection, etc.

2) Will the Sea Hare die after this egg laying endeavor?

3) Is it likely the eggs are fertilized?

I have done some research and have varying degrees of answers as to whether or not the Sea Hare will die (some say its natural after they lay, some say it's a last ditch effort do to starvation or poor nutrients, some have said theirs has laid multiple times). I also know that Sea Hares are technically hermaphrodites, but still seem to need at least one other partner.

Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!

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