vendredi 19 février 2016

10gallon tank trying to cycle 14 days old need asap help

Hey guys whats up?

Im brand new to the saltwater stuff some excuess any dumb question or action lol... I started a saltwater tank on 2/5/2016 I started with crushed shells, no live sand at all, using saltwater bough at the pet store, about 12lb of live rock all straight out of the local fish place, they said the rocks I bought were in their tank for a very long time. I have the power head, heater, my lights are two 25 watt incandescent (im getting a good led on Monday) im testing the water with the api mater test kit.

the fish place that sold me the rock is less then 10 minutes from my house, Im guessing there wasn't much die off, although I didn't see any of the critter everyone talks about Ive been testing for around a week and a half with ph 8 and everything else 0.

so on 2/18 my buddy cut off some of his filter from his 55gallon tank which is beautiful, I also got a rock from his tank and a bottle of quickstart from api. I was told he used it when he was cycling and it worked perfectly.

On 2/18 I put the piece of filter in my filter and placed the rock inside the tank. I then added the recommended amount of api quickstart (just like my friend did on his work of art) then wait about 4-5 hours tested the water I got ph 8 ammonia .5 and 0 for the nitrites and nitrates.

the next morning 2/19 I tested again and got ph 8 ammonia 1ppm and 0 for the other 2. so does this mean I am in business and my tank is ready for a slow introduction of fish? or do I have to wait, start over fresh, im not sure and im really trying to remain patience please help

Thank you

I put the piece of the cut filter in my filter

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