lundi 29 février 2016

Pretty sure its brooklynella, what now

-Bought healthy looking Naso about 2 weeks ago and didn't qt (i know stupid)

-Naso picked at rocks for 2-3 days and looked fine but refused to eat any food despite my best efforts

-Day 3 he stopped picking at rocks and was heavily breathing , still refused any type of food i offered, but showed no external parasites or anything else

-Day 5 Naso still hasn't touched food and has splotchy discoloration all over body which i assumed were stress splotches

-Day 7 Naso died

-Day 8 Yellow tang has white spots on center of body and i mean right in the center that look like ich, but nothing too severe, still eating and looks healthy besides the spots

Day 10- Spots have spread all over Yellow tang's body and tang has started to breath heavily, still eating as usual
Blue hippo tang has cloudy eyes, looks like ich or something on eyes but no where else on body, still eating fine looks good
Flame angel and large engineer goby have died out of no where (haven't been paying much attention to them honestly with yellow looking bad)
Dosed entire reef tank with prazipro thinking its flukes and the ich is a stress related thing on the yellow from having flukes, i think at this point I was trying to convince myself its not brooklynella because that would require a tank shutdown essentially and also because my clownfish don't seem affected at all (which i thought were very susceptible to brook)

Day 12- Yellow tang still in the same condition, still eating, but prazipro doesn't seem to be affecting it
All other fish same condition

Day 13- Try to catch the yellow tang for freshwater dip... not happening

Day 14- yellow tang found dead that night

Day 15 (Today, Monday)- All fish same condition except some of the clownfish
3 out of 4 clownfish show similar spots on body as yellow tang found this pic online that looks similar

So I'm prettttyyy sure its brooklynella, and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to go about this GIANT task of catching my fish and quarantining them. I'm thinking of putting them in my sump and disconnecting the sump from the display and putting some in there since the center area is 32 inches long so it should give the blue some room to swim. I also have a 30 gallon tank that's 30 inches long and a 10 gallon 20 inches long.

My biggest questions to you fine folks are:

What medication do you use for brooklynella, and what methods of treatment have you had success with?

How would you place the fish that I have in 2 30 inch long tanks and 20 inch tank?
I currently a 5" blue tang, a 2" sailfin tang, a 2" rabbitfish, 4 clownfish, a 4" hoevens wrasse, a 1' engineer goby, 3 cardinals, and a pink spot goby

How do i maintain these fish for 6+ weeks of quarantine to clear out the brooklynella from the DT? What do i do in terms of filtration, how many water changes a day will i have to do?

Please help, I'm planning on removing all the fish on Wednesday when i have the day off and starting treatment from day 1.

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