dimanche 28 février 2016

Need advice on a Sebae anemone

Okay, I consider myself a pretty smart person. And the LFS I go to has pretty good ratings. But right now I'm questioning it all. I wanted to get an anemone so went looking for one. I researched on anemones for several months now. I understand they take care and feedings and everything I'm pretty certain I'm able to do. I'm not a newbie. BUT I didn't know much about the different types of anemones and now I feel like a deer caught in the headlights.

I was instructed to get this Sebae anemone over the bubbletip I was looking at because quote "It's the best for a clarkii clownfish." which is what I have. Okay, I want to give my clown the best anemone for it, and they've been a pretty good LFS so I think I can trust them. I bring it home and look it up specifically and now I'm completely freaked out. These things are known to be very difficult and for experts only! Not only am I freaked out, but I'm pretty ticked off as well. I made it very clear I wanted something easy. I'm not happy.

Nevertheless, I'm stubborn and I'm wiling to learn IF I think it's possible to do. So can anyone give me some advice on these things? I've been doing a lot of reading and it's acclimating right now but I need to hear from some experts. I don't consider myself an expert. Intermediate at best. Tell it to me straight. If I should just take this guy back tomorrow, I'll do it. I refuse to kill an animal. But if it can be done, I'll give it my best too.

So what should I do? Thank you in advance for your advice!

EDIT: The anemone isn't what I would consider bleached. It's a tannish cream color with purple tips. It's about the size of my hand. I'm a small person, so it would probably be a little bigger than the palm of a large man's hand.

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