jeudi 25 février 2016

My weekly wc/cleaning maintenance is...

Thought id start a thread to help people better understand how much work goes into the "behind the scenes" of owning and maibtaining a reef tank, aswell as to maybe pick up some new ideas concerning "cleaning day". So lets hear some cleaning schedules, starting with tank specs, any special cleaning/maint equpiment, and general procedure during or not during water changes...ill start

SYSTEM: Running a 37 gallon tall with 10gal sump. Coralifesuper skimmer 65g, which in 2 more days will be upgraded to a reef octopus classic 152 cone skimmer. Using chemi pure elite, purfiltrum media by seachem, and polyfilter resin pad in sump. Using one ceramic plate of marinepure bio media.

No filter sock until water change day. Every week i change out 10% (roughly 5 gallons) and replace with seachem aquavitro salinity salt mix.

ROUTINE: During WC i stuff downpipe from overflow to sump with poly filler, rubberband it in place. I also started rubberbanding a wad over the duckbill of my return pump(cred to phanesoul for suggestion) then i usually scrape down sump real good, scrape out my overflow box (its clear and works as a hair algae turf scrubber) and ill blow off the rocks real good and kinda watch my tank eat all the bacterial goodies before it settles, ill then siphon the whole sandbed, just the very top couple of centimeters, then ill rebaste the rocks again, then hit it with a deep 1-2" siphon job to get the rest. While i do this i throw skimmer cup in scalding hot water and give the body a little hot water swirl to get detritus out of skimmer body. At this time i would dose any amino acids/carbs that my skimmer would otherwise take out right away.

Salt mixes quickly and can be used within the hour, use a rio 1100 to send wc water back to DT from my mixing buckets(best way imo) then i take off all the crud wncrusted polyester filling, sit back, and watch my corals puff up like no other :)

One part about my maintenance im curious to get some input on: regarding my marine pure ceramic media, every wc i try to take out the plate and dunk and swish in the bucket of water that i just took from tank, this clear alot of the bacterial mulm and detritus that builds up on plate, should i be removing the plate from sump fully when i do this? Is it bad to introduce heterotrophic bacteria to a second or two of air? The block holds water very well i think only the outside gets exposed briefly.

Cant wait to hear your schedules!!


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