samedi 27 février 2016

Need advice!

Hello there,

I recently set up my 220, about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I do believe after doing some reading I have been given bad info, but same info from two different LFS, so not sure. I started my tank with RO water, 160lbs of live sand, and nearly 200 lbs of live cured rock. I was told my tank should be "almost instantly cycled", and it was ok to put my pair of clowns in, which have been for a week and half, as well as a "hardy" puffer within the last 3 days. Parameters are:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
I have noticed the last couple of days brown algae on the rocks and sand, does this mean the cycle is over or starting? I have been dosing microbacter 7 for a new tank set up for two weeks also. Lastly, should I start up my skimmer, read mixed reviews on this one??

Any advise moving forward would be appreciated, thanks.

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