mardi 23 février 2016

Tank Problems

Ok Guys my 90 gal reef tank has been having some issues.

I don't have a lot of test kits but I have a ammonia and Calcium test tubes. I can run some test with those and give you what they say.
Alright I'll tell you what I'm seeing and give you my thoughts.

This is what's not happening, Fish are *not* dying. (there's 6)
Corals don't seem to be growing very fast but are *not* dying.
I have a little over a year old LED light, with a blue flourscent light bulb that is rarely on.
I have a 40 gal sump with a Bubble-Magus Protein skimmer.
I also have about two inches of sand down in the sump with some Macro Algae.
Have a little a year old LED light for my sump. There's Lots of flow in my main tank and the sump.

Alright Here's what I see to be the problem, Basically there lots of unwanted (and not to good looking) algae in my tank. It goes from small spots of green algae to hair algae, (and the one I hate the most) some brownish stuff that seems to get everywhere! It even seems to get places where there is no light... The tank is a little over a year old but I've only had it for about 4 or 5 months. See I bought it from a guy and moved the whole tank water and all.

Here's what I think the problem might be.
Frankly I'll admit, I have practically no clean up crew. All I have is an emerald crab, 2 hermits, 3 snails. That could possible be it.
It could be old lighting, But unlikely. LEDs last longer than most lights and the light doesn't seem like it would grow so much algae in that amount of time. It could also be water changes? I hadn't done one for about 2 to 3 weeks and then I did a 20% water change. But I'm wondering if the reef crystals I use helps the algae to grow? I do have a good amount of corraline algae. I'm wondering if it would help or hurt my corals to do a 20% water change with Instant Ocean because it has less nutrients to help algae growth. Or maybe the best move would be to do more water changes?

OK! What do you think?:thumbup: :D :read::idea::read:

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