samedi 27 février 2016

QT tank setup questions.

Hello guys! It's been quite a while since I have been on here. Just been taking a break is all. For the most part I've just been letting my tank be, but I did get some new fish recently which is always fun!

I've decided that I need to set up a QT though and I need some advice. I don't QT fish ATM and I suppose that has always been one of my downfalls with my reef. Pretty much every time I add a fish they seem to get sick with something. My current fish seem to somehow be immune (triggerfish, clownfish, banggai, jawfish, goby) and that tends to give the impression that things are all good. Thus I add fish, and the vast majority of the time I find that is not the case. The hardier fish like damsels and jawfish seem to be fine upon addition, while more sensitive fish like tangs and butterflies seem to be hit a littler harder with outbreaks for obvious reasons. I've decided that I have had it up to here with this scenario as it's the same thing every time. It's not fun for me to look at my tank and see my new fish get sick, and it's not fair to the fish to have to deal with the disease and struggle to fight it off in the first place. So I've decided that if I want a healthy reef like I desire, then I need to set up a QT. I have never set one up because it means another tank to take care of for a time, but I've decided it needs to be done. In the long run it will save me a lot of headache/heartache too so I believe it's the smartest choice.

So first things first, I need to find an appropriate sized QT for all my fish. My tank is a 120 gallon with a 30 gallon sump. Currently for fish I have:

1 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Banggai Cardinal
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Blue Jaw Triggerfish
1 Kole Tang
4 Yellowtail Damsels
1 Yahsa Goby
1 Dusky Jawfish

I am hoping that a 55 gallon would work as long as I keep up on maintenance as I don't really have room for anything bigger. I could fit a 60 or so gallon, but don't really want to set up anything bigger. Thankfully the tang is still small at around 3.5 inches so swim room shouldn't be as much of a problem like if he was bigger. My damsels are still small at 1 inch, and my triggerfish is about 4.5+ inches. He's the largest open swimmer in the tank. By QT'ing all my fish, my tank can stay fishless for a time and the diseases can hopefully die in the main display. I have a bit of mild ich I think and tangs seem to get some blotchy/cloudy patches on their pectoral fins sometimes and I don' really know what that is. Something bacterial? Because I have a few things going on I will probably have to treat them for more than one disease. I know ich will die after a time, but will other types like bacterial things? I hope so or I may be screwed.

I guess I will start there as I don't know what else to say. I apologies for the long thread as well. I tend to be long winded.

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