dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Ugh, ich.

So, I just moved. Huge pain in the butt, but everything went miraculously smoothly. No loses, all the coral is opened and happy. But now there's ich in one of the tanks. :( It's a 7 gallon softy tank. Only residents are a pair of little green banded (and now ichy) gobies. They're tough little guys, I'm sure they'll pull through. I'd like to move them to another tank when they're looking better, and let the softy tank just be for corals. Recommendations for minimizing the risk? I'm generally against QT/HT, would rather not stress the little guys any further, but this is the only tank I've ever had ich in and would like to keep it that way . I'm planning on waiting until the has cleared up to move them, but what are your thoughts on QTing them or medicating them before moving them to another tank?

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