mardi 25 novembre 2014

Salt Mix Question - Not what you think

If I understand correctly, we want to mix up our salt batches at:

Salinity: 1.024 - 1.026

Alkalinity: 8-12 dKH

Calcium: 380-450

Magnesium: 1200-1400

Temperature: 76-80

For my salt, I think due to how easy it is to get, I'm going to use IO Reef Crystals. I was going to use Red Sea Coral Pro, but it's only available mail order around here. Not overly convenient. But I digress.

According to That Pet Place Salt Mix Guide, Reef Crystals mixes up at (1.026 SG):

Alkalinity: 13 dKH

Calcium: 490

Magnesium: 1440

Which leads me to my questions. My first batch of saltwater that i initially put in the tank, will be based on how many gallons I actually need (empty tank is 120 gallons, but Rock, Sand and Overflow box will reduce that number). The water going into the tank will be at 1.026, 13 dKH, 490, 1440.

All of these numbers are too high. Will they fall over time?

If I'm making new water for a 10% water change every week (or 20% every 2 weeks), and I want to maintain consistency, if the alkalinity and such does fall and it's at say 10, and I add 20 gallons of 13 dKH water...will that cause too big of a swing?

One of the reasons I am thinking about doing small weekly water changes is because A) I don't want to dose and B) Not set up to do automatic I figure small water changes will keep the numbers consistent. Is that an accurate assumption?

What I plan to stock is fish, and some very very beginner, easy to care for, hard to kill corals. Not sure what everyone calls them, but that's what I'm calling them :)

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