mardi 25 novembre 2014

Rose Bubble Tip Anenomne

okay, so i was doing some research and i'm very much confused.

Feeding: people have been saying that RBTA don't need to be fed because they rely on the lights and that's their food source. While others say they feed their nems 1x a week or once every other day. ( i know that that is due to preference, but what confuses me is the lighting part.)

Growth: are these creatures slow growers or fast growers. Does it depend on the feeding/lighting?

Food: what do you recommend feeding? Ive been feeding my RBTA once every 3 days. I have only had mine for about 2 weeks, so i've only had the chance to feed it shrimp and phytoplankton.

my BTA is small and was hiding underneath a rock, but now it is exposed to the light which makes me happy. it hasn't moved since. it is in a location that receives med flow. i want the nem to grow fast:( :nuts::blob:

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