lundi 24 novembre 2014

Refugium/Sump or Canister...Opinions???

Hello all!

I am hoping to get some opinions and recommendations on a filtration system for a 40G Breeder set up that I am going to build over the next few months. I know, for the most part, what I am going to have in the tank, but I can not land on a filtration system.

My initial thought was a canister filter. Something nice and sturdy, high powered to keep the water nice and healthy for my inhabitants. But I am also wanting to obtain coral for this tank. Would this create enough water flow? Could it handle the sensitivity of the coral? So then I thought refugium...

But are the refugiums worth it? Short of building one myself, they seem to be on the expensive side of things. Is it worth waiting the extra month in order to make things more complicated... that is what I can't decide.

I would appreciate any and all suggestions or personal experiences. This is actually my first post on this site, so if I am missing any pertinent information, please let me know and I will answer any questions.

Thank you!

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