dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Quite frustrated...need direction

So as many already know, I've been having an ich problem. I already have a thread for this (http://ift.tt/1vh1FSi)

My tank history lives here (http://ift.tt/1vh1FSk)

I feel I am at a crossroads with this hobby at this point and I am only three months in. As I watch my two clowns swim tonight with spots on them and my tang flash, I wonder where to go next.

It appears my tank is healthy with my algae growth, my zoas, two shrimp, and two hermit crabs. My rocks have all the good things growing on it and coralline algae is also spreading nicely. I do weekly 10% WC's and vacuum out my sump each time. Rocks are on a lift and get blown off right before the WC.

So if you were in my shoes where would you go? I hate to say it but I'm expecting all fish to die since the signs are pointing here. I'm going to throw one last hail mary by getting live black worms to feed and hope they buff the last three fish up in their immune systems.

I'm contemplating going straight reef if all fish die and not having any. Ich would be gone and my source of nitrates would be as well. Setting up a proper 90G QT isn't an option at this point and since that's the only way to do it right, that's what I would consider.

I sure don't want to quit after 3 months and thousands spent. But I'm not about to keep adding fish hoping they are stress free and beat off the ich. I wanted fish when I started this but I also now want LPS and SPS.. Maybe my best choice is going this route and later adding one or two fish that can be QT'd in the small 10 gallon tank I do have. Reef tank with two nano fish.....may be my future.

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