lundi 24 novembre 2014

Palytoxin poisoning. advise please


I have been reefing for a couple of years now and have used this forum for nearly all of my information. I have a 20 gallon long with various mushrooms and palythoas. I have never had a problem before while cleaning my tank but on Saturday i accidentally bushed up hard enough against a paly to feel its slime against my finger.

This is where things went bad. I knew palys and zoas have palytoxin in them but from what i had read online people usually have the worst reactions when they are fragging them but to be sure i decided to wash my hands right away. The mucus was only on my finger for about 30 seconds but by the time i had washed my hands i had started to feel dizzy. It only took a couple of minutes before my heart started to race, hands started shaking, i started shivering, my mouth tasted like a dirty penny, and i became disoriented. Being stubborn i thought i would wait and see if my reaction was going to get any worse. I took a benadryl right away and tried to lay down for a bit and focus on my breathing. Part of my reason for not going in right away is because i knew the doctors in north dakota would look at me crosseyed if i told

them about palytoxin and they would most likely just treat me for a panic attack and send me home.

Long story short the worst of my symptoms lasted for about 6 hours and then i started to feel a little bit better. It has been a couple of days and i am still feeling some of my origional symptoms but i am slowly feeling better.

Now that i have had this experience i need advise as to what to do next. I ordered some shoulder length chemical resistant gloves and eye protection but this experience has made me worried about keeping palythoas at all. Do you think it would be overreacting to remove them from my tank (using gloves ect.) knowing how sensitive i am to palytoxin? I know people who grab these corals all the time without gloves and never seem to have a problem. If i do remove them should i do a large watcher change plus carbon since the paly i squished might be sliming now and releasing toxins? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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