lundi 3 novembre 2014

Newbie Veteran questions

Hi guys, been out of the hobby for a few years now, but recently bought a Aquael ReefMax.

So just got a few questions that hopefully you guys can help me with.

I plan on setting up just a basic LPS, nothng to major/hard.

1 - is there a list of things i need/should buy before getting started?

reason i ask is that when i had a marine tank setup ages ago, it sort of failed due to me not paying much attention to anything except Salinity, lighting, temp and flow around the tank.

I have done some reading recently and have realized how important it is to have a balance within the setup. for example, i never ever checked my PH on my previous tank.

so these sort of things i need to take care off this time round.

2 - the tank i bought is a Aquael MeefMax 60

Which holds around 120 litres, not huge i know, but its a plug and play which is what i was after to begin with.

has everything hidden behind the back wall, been reading up on the built in protein skimmer and got mixed reviews on it.

been told there is only 1 pump within this setup and that's the pump which controls the skimmer, so first thing i need to do is get 1 or 2 power heads.

I don't want to spend huge amounts on these as like i said, its only a basic setup with some LPS coral.... can anyone sugggest how much turnover i'll need and what's a decent powerhead to look for?

3 - the tank is currently empty, bone empty, not a drop of water in sight

but i plan to have the tank at least filled with water/sand/live rock before christmas so that it can cycle in it's own time, this project will not be rushed, it's going to be a slow learning curve for myself and my kids.

4 - i know i'm pushing the boat out a bit here, but 1 coral which i love and struggled with last time, was the plated coral,

As my plan is to have a LPS setup, what steps will i need to take before attempting to get a nice piece of plate coral?

5 - Does LPS coral need feeding? when i say feeding, i mean do i need to hand feed the coral's to get better colouring/growth? the coral's i have in mind are things like zoa's, hammerhead, torch... these sort of things.

Sorry for the HUGE post guys, hope some of you experts can help me along my journey and hopefully it wont take me long to get back into it.

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