jeudi 6 novembre 2014

New to saltwater reef tanks but ordered my first

Ok so I am really new to reef tanks and saltwater but have a 10 gallon freshwater and a 40 gallon fresh water I ordered a 28 gallon nano cube from doctors foster and smith this is the tank I ordered a 28 gallon JBJ Nano cube deluxe from drs fosters and smith I cant post the link since I dont have five posts.

Since I am not used to saltwater tanks I ordered nutri sea water and also live sand I ordered 40 pounds of live sand and 20 pounds of dead rock and also 5 containers of the nutri seawater. I also ordered a protien skimmer, testing kit have a heater here. So my question is how long would you cycle the tank or how long should it take to cycle the tank I understand about the cycle and until everything is at 0 but was just wondering with the live sand and rock and nutri sea water if that cuts down the time at all? My son is super excited as am I eventually I really want to get some clownfish and an anemone also which anemones do you recomend for a ocellaris clownfish? ALso how long after the tank is cycled would you add the clownfish and anemone and should I put them in at the same time or should I put the fish in first and then put the anemone later? I am excited to get into this hobby but am wanting to do it right. I also eventually want soft corals. I am really excited also I heard something about if you have an anemone that they can block the filter or do something that causes your tank to overflow how do you stop that from happening? Also would you recommend getting anything else that I havent ordered yet the nutri seawater is on back order till the 19th so wont be able to start cycling it till then.

Thank you in advance and sorry for so many questions.


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