dimanche 2 novembre 2014

New to reefing

Have a 20 gallon tank. Hob filter rated for 125 gph. 1 circ pump rated 500 gph. 11 pieces of live rock. Light is T5 96 watts 2 blue 2 10k. Use mesh w/ carbon in hob. New to salt water. This 20 is my practice tank. Animals in tank are 1 neon Dottyback. 2 Ocellaris clowns small. 1 lawnmower blenny. Astrea, turbo, nassarius snails. 1 blue leg hermit. 3 different small Zoanthids. 2 different mushrooms. 1 Kenya tree. 1 finger leather coral. 1 chili coral. 1 Xenia.

I have a API test kit and tests for Kh and Ca.

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