dimanche 9 novembre 2014

New to all of this and I think I have a killer in my tank....

Hi all!!

I am very excited to have started my first reef tank and I'm trying very hard to read, ask questions and learn! So....here goes....

My set up is "new" to me but I purchased it from my son in law who had the tank going for about five years. 55 gallon with live sand and live rock. Water seems to test within acceptable parameters and I've taken samples with me to the aquarium store and they have tested it for me too. My first challenge has been to try and control some hair algae so we first brought home a pair of clownfish and an emerald crab to start cleaning the tank. All seemed to be going well.... For the first week. Two days ago, the smaller of my clownfish vanished. No sign of it anywhere. We moved around rocks, etc and zilch. This occurred on the same day we had added some snails, hermits and an urchin to continue as a CUC. We had wondering if maybe the larger clownfish was bullying the little one and had maybe killed it.

Well, now I don't think so at all....I've been sitting here reading and my tank is right near me. I personally witnessed the emerald crab bolt across the live rocks, hop down into the sand and position himself along the glass with his pitchers elevated WAITING FOR MY CLOWNFISH TO GET NEAR HIM!!! When the fish didn't get near enough, the crab made an entire lap around the perimeter of the tank and poised itself, looking as if it wanted to strike out at my clown. There is PLENTY of algae to consume. This beast has eaten nonstop, day and night, since we added him.

Am I crazy? Does this sound like something an emerald crab would do?? I'm also wondering if he has killed an incredibly large turbo snail that I've not seen since yesterday.

How on earth do I catch this thing??? =). He's been fun to watch (until tonight) and he's doing a great job on the algae but I can't have a fish killer in there. And I can only imagine what he might do one day when I try adding corals. I'm thinking he's gotta go....

Thanks for listening and for any tips you veteran reef tank lovers have to share!

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