lundi 24 novembre 2014

New 10 gallon no cycle idea...

Hey all,

Been in the hobby for around 7 years or so, maybe 8.

I have a 40B that's been running for about 6 months since I moved 300 miles and lost almost all of my livestock :( It was running for 2 years prior to that. Before that I had a 10 gallon nano for about 4-5 years.

Anywho... I'm going to set up the 10 at work :D

I was thinking I would be able to do so with a no cycle if I did the following:

Take 5 gallons of old water from my 40 during a water change, combine with 3-5 gallons of new water for the 10 gallon. Also seed my rock thats going into the 10 gallon in the sump of the 40 for about a week or two before putting it in with the 1/2 - 1/2 new/old from the 40 water.

What do you all think?

Is this an awesome master plan, or horribly flawed idea? Any suggestions would be fab.

My plan for the 10 is to run a no hermit, snail only CUC, 2 watchman goby's, and a clown or two. Nothing else. Probably add the clowns first, watchman's second.

I'm pretty excited and already have names picked out for the future fish. They're all going to be named after big personalities at the firm, with species according to personality :D SO MUCH FUN.

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