dimanche 9 novembre 2014

Help my tank thrive!

Hey everyone. Sorry this post is kind of a repeat of a previous post I felt the need to elaborate more. My tank not doing the best and i really want to turn it around. It got neglected for a few months due to some life issues and when i checked recently my KH had went down to 4. So I took care of that with some reef builder buffer and now my params are back in check.

So here's the history, I have a 26 gallon mixed reef (softies and LPS) that I aquascaped with dry rock. I've had it set up since last November and the corals have done from poor to decent.

Typically the duncan and trumpet corals open up nicely, and the softies (toadstool, devils hand, zoanthids) are closed up, have no polyp extensions, or just not very colorful. I've been thinking it may be a lighting issue but I could be wrong. My light is a Reefbreeders Value LED 120W.

I usually keep up on water changes and testing, nitrates phosphates are generally under control. I don't feed heavily and I have plenty of flow syphon regularly and keep my shallow sandbed as clean as I can. Filtration is a remora hang-on-back protein skimmer and an empty refugium used as a hospital/heater storage as well as extra water volume.

I've been keeping my lights low for awhile now, and I have been slowly turning them up. Seems to be helping. Thoughts? Here are my params and a picture! All input would be great because I really wanna see my zoanthids get their colors back and my leathers open back up!

Params as of yesterday:

PH: 8.3

kH: 9

ammonia: 0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 10

SG: 1.026

stocking list:

pajama cardinal

barnacle blenny

bloodred fire shrimp

rock flower anemone

duncan coral

trumpet coral

toadstool coral

devils hand coral

several varieties of zoathids

mushroom corals

mushroom corals

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