samedi 22 novembre 2014

Does anyone have Apogon leptacanthus (Threadfin Cardinalfish)?

Hey all, I have been doing some research into adding a small group of these in a tank that I have not purchased yet but am in the process of planning. The tank will be somewhere between 75-125 gallons and tankmates will be peaceful fairy and flasher Wrasses, Bangaii Cardinal, Firefish, Blenny, etc. Two other possibilities than I am considering adding are a trio of small Anthias and/or a Kole tang. With the exception of the Tang and a few 5" Wrasses everything in the tank will be ~3" or less. I'm looking for a wider variety of small fish rather than a half dozen or so larger fish. Corals will be Zoa/softy dominated with some LPS.

I'd like to hear impressions of these cardinals from anyone who has/have owned them, specifically those that have had groups in the 7-15 range. I love my shoaling fish in my FW tanks and would like to replicate that in my reef tank. though I've researched it quite a bit and it seems like shoaling might not be attainable in a salt tank without getting into hundreds of gallons. I've observed enough chromis viridis in friends tanks and in lfs display tanks to rule them out. They get pretty big and once they figure out they're safe they forget all about grouping up.

I'm looking at the threadfins because they stay small and are more timid, thus more likely to seak the protection of a shoal. I'm thinking (/hoping) that the high activity of the Wrasses and Tang might encourage them to group up as well as the Threadfin's being a slower/less active swimmer they might be more prone to hang out in a group, but I wanted to see what others who have owned them have observed. I know that they're not going to shoal 100% of the time, and there will always be some wandering away from the group, and I'm fine with that, if more than 50% of them are hanging out together more than 50% of the time I'll be happy.

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