dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Cycling new tank. Ammonia down, nitrites 0

Good morning all, so I am doing a fishless cycle (sort of, got a couple of hermit crabs that were hidden in a piece of liverock) with ammonia. I started the tank 10 or 11 days ago and added ammonia this past Wednesday. I brought the ammonia up to 4-5 ppm and haven't added anymore since. Nitrites have been and are, zero. My ammonia level is now down to 2ppm. What gives?

Thanks for any help!

My setup:

80gal tank

4"+ DSB


50 lbs rock from reefrocks.net

Approx 5 lbs of liverock from petco

Seaclone 100 protein skimmer

BRS dual gfo & carbon reactors

2x 800gph wave makers

**** load of diatoms, bristleworms, worms and 2 hermit crab hitchhikers.

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