samedi 15 novembre 2014

Coral Troubleshooting

I always figured I knew good and well how to keep most coral that wasn't some extreme, demanding species and what not, but I find myself in trouble in keeping some corals.

Namely Acanthestrea. I like Acans. They're easy to grow, grow fast, are colorful, and for those who like aggressive feeders like me, they are fun to feed.

But each time I get one, they do not do well... they slowly die over weeks. They seem to do fine, respond good to feeding and all that, but they just slowly melt away. Every week more of their skeleton shows until they are completely dead and gone. I do not understand why. I put them in low light since they don't care for super brightness, in low or moderate flow, and I do feed them. Each time, no avail.

And in the last few days, my Polyothoa are acting odd too. They act like their shriveling up and open and close throughout the day as if irritated. The yellow polyps nearby don't seem to have this problem at all.

I got food light, good water quality, and decent flow. My other coral seem fine and healthy. Yellow Polyps are ever lively, Tooth Coral/Galaxea is the best example of great health, Frogspawn is out and alive... and of course those aggravating as hell Aiptasia and Mojano are around... though hopefully not for long.

What am I doing wrong?

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