mercredi 12 novembre 2014


Hey all, looking for advice surrounding the dreaded Brooklynella disease. So far I have lost a few clownfish to what I think is Brooklynella (no white coating, sloughing skin, just fraying fins and pale color), however I have never lost any other fish. I recently had two clowns for a little under two weeks before they fell ill and both passed. However, my Green Chromis, Yellow Watchman Goby, and Scooter Blenny all look great and are very healthy. Only the clownfish have ever gotten sick.

I have read many things online about taking all fish out of the display tank for something like 3 months in order to eradicate the disease. I don't really have the ability to do that based on my QT size etc. My question is, since no other fish have shown signs (ever, the first clowns that passed were almost 2 months back) are other fish much less susceptible to disease? Also, is it possible for a healthy clown to live in an environment that "has" a disease in the water and not get it? When I started the saltwater hobby I did so because I wanted to have clownfish, and I'm starting to think I might have to bypass them and maybe have one in smaller tank or something someday instead. All other fish in my display tank have been happy and healthy with no issues.

Also, is it possible that only feeding once a day could stress fish? I have an annoying cleaner shrimp that is always trying to hog food and bugs the fish quite a bit. Could this stress cause the illness to manifest itself?

Also, what should I do with my QT to rid it of Brook (if that's what I have)? Take out all the water and let the sand dry out?

Thanks in advance for you help/ideas/opinions!

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