lundi 24 novembre 2014

Basically finalized my stocking list on the 125 long tank

I have basically finalized my stocking list for my tank. Now I will end up adding maybe another small fish or two at a later date but this will be 100% for sure what I am going to order:

5 Banggai cardinals

1 diamond back goby

1 tiger watchman goby

1 scooter blenny

2 O. Clowns

6 fire fish

1 flasher wrasse

1 six line wrasse

1 dragon wrasse

2 blue throat triggers (M/F pair)

1 hippo tang

1 yellow tang

1 Hawaiian tang (black body and orange tail)

1 standard fox face

2 cleaner shrimp

1 ribbon eel

Curious on feedback or possible suggestions for something else small to add also at a later date. And as much as I do appreciate the opinions and viewpoints from different angles, I WILL be stocking these fish in my tank. And im sorry to say but the recommendations on live aquaria are not law, they are simply suggestions.

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