dimanche 23 novembre 2014

55g fish list advice

I'm planning my first tank, 55g and I'm trying to figure out what I'll put in it. It's kind of hard cause all the fish and coral look so beautiful, like the price differences seem so random but I guess the $$$ ones are rarer? Anyway these are the creatures I like best in no order:

Yasha gobi

Snapping shrimp (pistol?)

McCoskers wrasse

Spotted (pajama?) cardinalfish - is there a minimum population for a small school?

Red scooter blenny (starry dragonet)

Second best is a regular Nemo clown

I don't understand how they all add up for a tank. Like sure each is ok in a 55, but you couldn't put a million in there. So some advice on that?

The clowns are the only ones I read need to go in last, but I wondered if the gobi and blenny will share sand ok?

I don't think any are too hard on coral. I will prolly add that later, but nothing too picky, Lps / softies etc. Any advice / recommendation is great! Thanks!

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