jeudi 1 septembre 2016


Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY THURSDAY! Up a touch early today, just popped up wide awake.....oh well, more time for coffee! According to our weather guessers only near 80 today, with sun and somewhere in there may lay what we're going to have? :rolleyes: Buttermilk waffles hit the spot yesterday, so schlepping some more of them on the table to go with our coffee and pink milk. 'Lil' Hack had another friend over for a sleep over last night, and YES, they actually got to sleep.....well about 3:00 a.m.:rolleyes: Playing today by ear with my boo boo, see what the next building full of medical folks have to say, and when they feel like saying it. :rolleyes: Hope all have good things lined up for their day, and can squeeze all the fun out of it they can, and all the best,

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