dimanche 18 septembre 2016

Lets talk Tanaka Pygmy Wrasse

Okay everyone lets talk about what I think is the awesome Tanaka Pygmy wrasse!

First thing is first. Lets go over the what I would say ideal scenario for these little guys to flourish and thrive...notice I say thrive. As we all know a fish can be harassed and picked on for quite some time and still sustain itself until it slowly dies. This fish IMO are hard to find, I prefer to use Bluezoo aquatics as opposed to Live Aquaria, however I was on Bluezoo's waiting list for one of these guys for months and months and they never got any in. LA gets them in every once a month it seems, but not vary many so when you subscribe to get on keep checking your email and I would not wait to get these because they literally go out the door within 48 hours! There becoming more and more popular in the aquarium trade from what I can see.

Moving on...this fish are not particularly the best shippers. I got my first one from LA and it was basically a DOA, died during acclimation. These fish are listed on some websites as beginner and as some intermediate. Personally I think its more intermediate. I would definitely try to do a nice drip acclimation. Personally I make sure the lights are off and use a little lamp. I float the bag for about 10 minutes or so, and I use the drip acclimation box made my reef gently. You can pick them up at BRS or Marine Depot for about 60 bucks, there great! I drip acclimated mine for about an hour. I put mine into a 10 gallon quarantine and in about 3 or 4 days it started eating frozen food pretty good. I just give him Reef Frenzy Nano by LRS. I think this is particularly a good fish to quarantine if not for the simple fact that they are SO shy its great to target feed them to get them going before you decide they are healthy enough to be put into the DT.

From what I read these fish do graze on LR...which I think is true. I see mine nipping at the LR all the time...which brings me to my next point...I think that having lots of LR as opposed to not having much LR in a smaller tank is a two fold answer. Reason is this. These fish are very passive (I will get to tank mates later on) so if they are too afraid to come out during feeding then logic tells you that lots of LR is needed to help get them the food there missing during the feeding time. Especially if you only feed your tank once a day and DO NOT TARGET feed these guys. So if your Tanaka is bolder and comes out to feed then I would say a small nano tank would suffice with these guys. I have mine in a 90 gallon. I target feed my tank mostly in general just because I have the time and it cuts down on pollution. I'm sure some will say something about putting your hands in the tank that often is a bad thing but anyways. When you go to target feed them they will start to get use to the pipet you use or small baster and just hold it in front of his den and he will come up to it and eventually even start nipping it.

Tankmates-well I would say the more passive the better...I think this fish like a yellowheaded/pearly jawfish should be one of the first fish added into the aquarium to let these guys get established and establish there territory. With that said my current fish are as follows, a scissortail dartfish, a yellowclown goby, and the Tanaka. The overall plan for my 90 will be to add next a yellowheaded jawfish, and rainford goby, then probably a blue assessor, a fat head sun burst anthia, and a tail spot blenny. Thats probably going to be all of them. The last thing I want to go over is habitat for these guys. I would provide lots of LR with lots of rock with holes and creat overhangs for these guys. Its really cool to watch them move about the LR...its actually quite captivating really. They scurry about thru the LR in such a unique way that unless you own one I think its hard to understand. I feel like these fish are similar to a mandarin in regards that its a "wow thats a pretty fish with nice colors, I want it" and people do not research them a lot. IMO there somewhat fragile fish that need to really be taken seriously and you need to have a plan when thinking about adding them. Anyways I hope this little bit of information helps, again I am no expert just going off observations and personal experience.

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