vendredi 16 septembre 2016

Hammer Head Coral - Help Required

Hey Guys!
So im new to this, but im currently heart broken over my hammer head coral right now, it looked very poor from when I got home from work lastnight and I don't know how I can save it.
So I have got a 240G tank, its been set up for around a year, my hammer head which is my main issue has literally just come away from the skeleton, its a pretty big coral, about 30cmx30cm, my clowns have been hosting it for months, I know hammers don't usually like this but there has been no issues with this until now. In light flow. Ive got x2 sets of t5 lights and separate blue LED. Lights are on from 11-5 and blues for an hour either side. No fish I have make an attempt to even pick at it even though I do have some coral grazers in the tank. Ive looked with a red light at night to see if ive had any hitchhikers and all I have is the usual brissleworms in my substrate, no crabs or anything visible, ive got a boxer shrimp but hes pretty chilled and doesn't touch it.
We have had a heatwave and ive struggled to keep the temp below 80, even with doors to the house open, a fan on the tank and no heater on atall. ive also done water changes to try and cool it. This is the only thing that has changed to effect the coral. As my other corals are sulking a little but still look great. I was wondering if I should try a coral dip to help? It really does look so bad but I don't want to lose it as it is a main feature in my tank and I was so proud of it and how its grown.
All my other water parameters are ay ok, usually run a low ph of below 8 even with buffers but all other corals are thriving and so was the hammer until this week. mg calc ect all in range too.
So anyone got any ideas? or is it basically just going to pop its clogs? no brown jelly disease visible, ive moved it away so the clowns cant get to it and turned my power heads off so it can try and repair but im out of ideas. Thanks in advance, any advice is welcomed.

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