vendredi 16 septembre 2016

Full Tank Shot Friday (Contest or On Your Own?)

We would like to start having a few fun posts based on the day of the week that everyone can be involved in. For example, in honor of it being Friday, we want to have a thread where every Friday everyone posts a recent pic of their tank.

We shall call it Full Tank Shot Friday!


Instead of everyone posting their own every Friday, would you rather make this into a contest? This would require you sending me pics of your tank with a little description via email throughout the week, and I would choose my favorite to post for Friday? Then everyone can comment on the tank for that week.

Vote in the poll on which you would rather prefer, and keep an eye out for other fun posts we have planned throughout the week!

To get us started, here is Devin’s Office Tank. It is a 20g IM All in One.

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