mercredi 3 février 2016

Poop Eaters

This is my very first post on here, so please go easy on me (and please let me know if I'm breaking any sorts of etiquette in any way).

I have a 9 gallon nano cube that is cycled (lightning fast cycle with so little water).

About 2 weeks ago, I got my diatom bloom, followed closely by a green algae film bloom. They appeared VERY quickly, and since I was going out of town for a few days, hurried to the LFS to grab a CUC: 4 astrea, 2 red leg hermits, 1 blue-leg hermit. Since then, I have also acquired a peppermint shrimp.

It took them some time, especially on the concentrated diatoms on my live rock, but the crew is catching up with the algae load, and it seems like growth has reduced drastically. Moving right along, it seems.

However, I now have a very large amount of unsightly poop covering my very pretty sand. I've had tanks before, and understand it will never be clean, but I worry about the conditions of the water over time. I purchased a sand siphon, as was recommended by many online, which I plan to use tonight in coordination with my water change. However, going forward, I know that siphoning isn't a very realistic solution in the long term for my setup. The tank is small enough that there are PLENTY of crevasses and crannies that I will never be able to reach, and seem to be places where things like to accumulate (despite my best efforts to arrange the rock with flow in mind).

My question is, as I pick the few fish/animals I'll be able to support, what suggestions do people have for large detriment consumption and general sand filtering? I'm going to need them to keep clean what I cannot. One of my fish will be a Ocellaris clown (to keep the gf happy), but I'm open to anything at this point. I'm more concerned with general health/balance than I am aesthetics, so please fire away.

I also have a Hawaiian Feather duster, a pod of zoas, and a hitchhiker pod of palys.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
pH: 8.2
Temp: 77
Salinity: 1.026

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