mercredi 3 février 2016

Leaving the barebottom nation

Since my h.crispa sebae cant seem to make his mind up and decides on a daily basis to detatch and float around, i figure its time to add sand back into the DT. Ive been barebottom for about 3-4 months and figure the little guy will do much better on the sand, he still has good color and isnt bleached, but his verrucae will only hold onto rock for about half a day then its back to floating around.

I will also be getting my first ever pearly jawfish! And hopefully after sand goes in for a couple of months i can add a mandarin to tank. Copepod production in fuge has exploded since i took the peppermint out of fuge.

Pics soon to follow, and p.s.: i still love barebottom and of it worked would definitely try to keep it BB but i refuse to let my sebae wander around and potentially kill some expensive frags.

System running for apx 1 year now, with a tank size upgrade about 2 weeks ago, 20long to a 37 high.


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