lundi 1 février 2016

New Rock Anemone Won't Open, Please Help

My new rock anemone won't open since I got him 6 days ago. Here is what I have..

I am relatively new to keeping a marine aquarium as I've only had my 100gal tank a little over a year. SG (refractometer): 1.0255, pH: 8.3, Ammonia: 0, Nitrites: 0, Nitrates: 10ppm, Phosphates: 0.25ppm, Calcium: 425. I have a RO/DI system with brand new flushed cartridges, I do a 15-20% water change weekly and a 35-40% water change every 4th week. I use Reef Crystals for salt. I supplement with PurpleUp, a very small amount of iodide, Fuel by Aquavitro, Kent's Vitamin C, and Brightwell Aquatics buffer. I use Fluvel Carbon and Clearmax along with other mechanical and biological filters in my Fluvel 406. Purple Coralline Algae is starting to really encrust since I got my RO/DI. I have pretty powerful LED lighting, I forget the exact specs but I'll find out. 30 minutes of moonlight at 7:30 to 8am then fades up to 12 hours of full daylight, then fades down to moonlight for 5 hours, then fades to black at 1am until 7:30am.


Fish: Yellow Sailfin Tang, Coral Beauty Angelfish, 3 Fire Gobys, 2 Yellowtail Blue Damsels, 1 Bluegreen Chromis, 1 Shark Catfish, and a mated pair of Percula Clownfish.

Inverts: Turbo snails, 12 various small hermits, 1 larger Blue Legged Hermit, a Featherduster Worm, 1 Emerald Crab, 1 Sea Hare, 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, decent size Green Goniopora frag, Brown Button Polyps (which are growing), a Bubble Tip Anemone, and a Rock Anemone.

These anemones and the clownfish I added just 6 days ago, all of which came from the same tank at the store where I bought them, in which I saw them hosting the Rock Anemone I bought. Since I added them, both the clownfish pair and the Bubble Tip are doing excellent. The clowns and BTA are eating and thriving. Except the Rock Anemone. It is completely deflated with it's foot anchored on a rock and hasn't moved or inflated once since I adjusted him then put him in the tank. My water chemistry is pretty solid, it could be better which I am working towards, so what could be causing this? Stress from the move? The clowns aren't hosting the BTA so I really hope the Rock Anemone opens up. What do you guys think the problem could be? I am sure everything is fine, I just want to make sure.

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