samedi 20 février 2016

Need to off load some stuff

Hey guys and gals. We are moving and I have some stuff to get rid of. I am seriously think free or make an offer. Odds are first come first serve.

65 gallon tank with stand and crappy hood.

75 gallon tank with two overflows. The acrylic overflows are $25 a piece up in the cities. Tank may not be worth much beyond a sump, the center brace is broken.

Have a 40ish gallon tank crammed full of rock that is covered in coral. Tank has been abused for last 5 months, all of the rock is also coverd in a dense hair algae. Tons of coral!
Real nice colony of bam bam zoos (probably 150-200 polyps) Same rock has a large colony of waving hand anthelia. Probably 10 pound rock.

Lots of ricordia

some red mushrooms

pretty big colony (100 ish polyps) of mint paly's

if your part of the rochester club, text me and we can set something up for next weekend. I'd like all the livestock gone next weekend and am not during the week. Ill hopefully also have some pictures later tonight.

thanks for all you guys and gals have done for the alc/the hobby in roch!


pm me for phone number

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