mardi 2 février 2016

My reef tank story

Hi everyone,

I am rather new to this hobby and I thought it would be the best to share my story with you.
My husband and I really wanted a saltwater tank for a while so we searched online and found used 240g tank with stand and bought it. WHAT A MISTAKE. We knew nothing about it and soon we realized we got the cheapest piece of equipment. After a few days we went to a store and bought 65g tank that I actually set up and this is where my reef story begins.

I have 65g tank 36x24x18 with no sump in which I put live sand (80lb), live rock and one piece of dead rock that should become live (35lb total) and I bought salt water from a store, they are using Red Sea salt.

I bought:
- 2 Aquatic life Halo lights, one deluxe and one basic models and two brackets to hold them (still waiting for the brackets)
- Hydor Korelia pump 1050-1150 gph (it was super loud when I plugged it in so I returned it and waiting for a new one)
-Ehiem 200 watt heater (still on the way)
-reef octopus 2000 HOB protein skimmer (still on the way)

On Sunday I put in sand and water is still foggy and I am hoping its because I don't have a protein skimmer yet to start the movement.

I am planning on putting in 3-4 clownfish, sea star, diamond goby, banner Cardinal and fire fish along with soft corals and maybe one hard one.

I will really appreciate any advice or suggestions! I am really new and I am still learning...

Will keep you updated along the way....

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